Wednesday, October 26, 2016


This is taken from "The Family Medical Guide" ©1871

This delicate organ is subject to many forms of disease, both internal and external.
is the most frequent of these. It is a small boil that forms on the edge of the eyelid, and has been called hordeolum, because it is about the size of a barleycorn.
Like other boils it denotes a deranged state of the blood, and is often annoying to children of a scrofulous tendency, and to those who have been injured by improper food or exposure to cold.
Treatment.—These boils should be encouraged to suppurate by fomenting them constantly with folded linen moistened with warm water, or by a light bread-and-water poultice, and as soon as matter forms, it should be allowed to escape by puncturing with a needle or lancet.
The child's health should be attended to, and its digestive organs improved, by giving it five to ten drops of the solution of the perchloride of iron in a wineglassful of water after breakfast and dinner, to be taken through a glass tube ; or, if preferred, a teaspoonful of cod-liver oil after food twice a day, the bowels being regulated by one grain of aloes and five of Epsom salts, given in a little syrup at night, when required.
The child's food should be light and easily digested, and it should be warmly clothed, to prevent chills.

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