Monday, October 24, 2016

Over Worked Women Advertisement Medicine from the past

Below is a copy of an advertisement that was in "The Current" June 1887

Over Worked Women
For "worn-out," "run-down," debilitated school teachers, milliners, seamstresses, housekeepers, and over-worked women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonics. It is not a "Cure-all," but admirably fulfills a singleness of purpose, being a most potent Specific for all those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to women. It is a powerful, general as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, and imparts vigor and strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, indigestion, bloating, weak back, nervous prostration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. Favorite Prescription is sold by druggists under our positive guarantee. See wrapper around the bottle.
Price $1.00, or six bottles for $5.00
A large treatise on Diseases of Women, profusely illustrated with color plates and numerous wood-cuts, sent for 10 cents in stamps. Address. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y.
Sick Headache, Bilious Headache and Constipation, promptly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. 25 cents a vial, by druggists.

The medicine had a huge amount of opium in it. He wrote a medical reference book "The people's Common Sense Medical Advisor." but it primarily promoted his products. You can go here to learn a little more about Dr. Pierce.

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