Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Below are several cake recipes there are some there you might not have thought about. Enjoy!

PASTRY, etc,
To make a rich plum cake.
Take one pound of fresh butter, one pound of sugar, one pound and a half of flour, two pounds of currants, a glass of brandy, one pound of sweetmeats, two ounces of sweet almonds, ten eggs, a quarter of an ounce of allspice, and a quarter of an ounce of cinnamon.
Melt the butter to a cream and put in the sugar. Stir it till quite light, adding the allspice, and pounded cinnamon; in a Quarter of an hour take the yolks of the eggs, and work them in, two or three at a time; and the whites of the same must by this time be beaten into a strong snow quite ready to work in; at the paste must not stand to chill the butter, or it will be heavy, work in the whites gradually: then add the orange peal, lemon, and citron, cut in fine stripes, and the currants, which must be mixed in well, with the sweet almonds. Then arid the sifted flour and glass of brsndy. Bake tbis cake in a tin hoop in a hot oven for three hours, and put twelve sheets of paper under it to keep it from burning.

A Good Plain cake.—The following is a receipt for making a good plain cake, to be given to children, at breakfast, instead of buttered bread.
Take aa much dough as will make a quartern loaf, (either made at home, or procured at the bakert) work into this a quarter of a pound of butter. a quarter of a pound of moist sugar, and a handful of caraway seeds. When well worked together, pull into pieces the size of a golden pipen, and work it together again. This must be done three times, or it will be in lumps, and heavy when baked.

Icing for cake:
Put one pound of fine sifted, treble refined sugar uea a haain, and the whites of three new-laid eggs; •rat tie sugar and eggs up well w itli a silver spoon, ssafil it beaomes very white and thick: dust the rake mrr with Boor, aud then brush it off, by way •f taking the grease from the outside, which prelaws the iceing from running; put it on smooth •wji a palette knife, and garnish according to fancy; any ornaments should be put on immediately, fcV af Ike iceing get dry, it will not stick on. Jl rich teed cake.
Take a pound and a quarter of flour well dried, 'fwaokd os batter, a pound of loaf sugar, beat and •"ed. eight egg» and two ounces of caraway seeds, w grated Vnatmcg, and its weight in cinnamou. "■aas lav batter int/i a cream, put in the sugar, beat *•*> ■■■aa af Use ages and the yelks saparatcly,
then mix them with the butter and sugar. Beat in the flour, spices, and seed, a little before sending it away. Dake it two hours in a quick oven. A plain pound cake.
Beat one pound of butter in an earthen pan until it is like a fine thick cream, then beat in nine whole eggs till quite light. Put in a glass of brandy, a little lemon-peel, shred fine, then work in a pound and a quarter of flour; put it into the hoop or pan and bake it for an hour. A pound plum cake is made the same with putting one pound and a half of clean washed currants, aud half a pound of candied lemon-peel.
Ratafia caket.
Beat half a pound each of sweet and bitter almonds in fine orange, rose, or ratafia water, mix half a pound of fine pounded and sifted sugar with the same, add the whites of four eggs well beaten to it, set it over a moderate fire in a preservingpan. Stir it one way until it is pretty hot, and when a little cool form it into small rolls, and cut it into thin cakes. Shake some flour lightly on them, give each a light tap, and put them on sugar papers, sift a little sugar on them,, and put them into a thorough slack oven. Wiggt.
Put half a pint of warm milk to three quarter! of a pound of fine flour; mix in it two or three* spoonsful of light yeast. Cover it up, and set it before the fire an hour, in order to make it rise. Work into it four ounces each of sugar and butter, make it into cakes, or wiggs, with as little flour as possible, and a few caraway seeds, and bake them quick.
Bath caket.
Mix well together, half n pound of hatter, one
gounil of flour, five eggs, and a cupful of yeast, et the whole before the fire to rise, which effected, add a quarter of a pound of fine powdered sugar, an ounce of caraways well mixed in, and roll the paste out into little cakes. Bake them on tins. Shrewsbury caket.
Mix half a pound of butter well beat like cream, and the same weight of flour, one egg, six ounces of beaten and sifted loaf sugar, and half an ounce of caraway seeds. Form these into a paste, roll them thin, and lay them in sheets of tin; then bake them in a slow oven.
Portugal caket.
Mix into a pound of fine flour, a pound of loaf sugar, beat and silled, and rub it into a pound of butter, till it is thick, like grated white bread: then put to it two spoonsful of rose-water, two of sack, and ten eggs; work them well with a whisk, aud put in eight ounces of currants. Butter the tin pans, fill them half full, and bake them. If made without currants they will keep a year. Ginger caket without butter.
Take one pound of sugar, a quarter of a pound of ginger, a pint of water, two pounds of flour, and eight caps of orange-peel. Pound and sift the ginger, and add a pint of water; boil it five minutes, then let it stand till cold. Pound the preserved orange peel, and pass it through a hair-sieve; put the flour on a pasteboard, make a wall, and put in tbe orange peel and ginger with the boiled water; mix this up to a paste and roll it out; prick the cakes before baking them.
Savoy caket.
To one pound of fine sifted sugar, put the yolkt of ten eggs, (have the whites in a separate pan.) and set it, if in summer, in sold water: if there II any ice set the pan on it, as it will cause the eggs to be beat finer. Then beat the yolks and sugar well with a wooden spoon toriO minutes, and put in the rind of a lemon grated; beat up the white* with ( whisk, until they become quite stiff and ♦hito as snow. 6fir them into the batter by degrees, then add J of a pound of well dried flour; finally, put it in a mould in a slack oven to bake. Saffron cakes.
Take a quartern of finnslour, l.J lbs. of butter, 3 02. of caraway seeds, (J eggs, well beaten, $ of an oz. of well beaten cloves and mace, a little pounded cinnamon, 1 lb. of sugar, a little rose-water and saffron, a pint and a half of yeast, and a quart of milk. Mix them thus: first boil the milk and butter, then skim off the butter, and mix it with the Hour and a little of the milk. Stir the yeast into the rest and strain it; mix it with the flour, put in the eggs and spice, rose-water, tincture of saffron, sugar, and eggs. Beat it all well up, and bake it id a hoop or pan well buttered. Send it to a quick oven, and an hour and a half Mill do it. Queen calces.
Take a pound of sugar, beat and sift it, a pound of well dried flour, a pound of butter, eight eggs, and half a pound of currants washed and picked; grate a nutmeg and an equal quantity of mace and cinnamon, work the butter to a cream, put in the sugar, heat the whites of the eggs 2D minutus, and mix them with the butter and sugar. Then beat the yolks for half an hour and put them to the butter. Beat the whole together, and when it is ready for the oven, put in the flour, spices, and currants; sift a little sugar over them, and bake them in tins. Rice cake8.
Beat the yolks of 15 eggs for nearly half an hour, ■with a whisk, mix well with them ten onnces of fine sifted loaf sugar, put in half a pound of ground rice, a little orange water or brandy, and the rinds of two lemons grated, then add the'whites of seven eggs well beaten, and stir the whole together for a quarter of an hour. Put them into a hoop and set them in a quick oven for half an hour, when they ■will be properly done.
Lemon cakes.
Take one pound of sugar, three quarters of a pound of flour, 14 eggs, two table-spoonsful of rosewater, the raspings and juice of four lemons; when the yolks are well beat up and separated, add the powder sugar, the lemon raspings, the jnice, and the rose-water; beat them well together in a pan with a round bottom, till it becomes quite light, for half an hour. Put the paste to the whites previously well whisked about, and mix it very light. AVhen well mixed sift in the flour and knead it in ■with the paste, as light as possible; form the biscuits and bake them in small oval tins, with six sheets of paper under them, in a moderate heat. Butter the tins well or it will prove difficult to take out the biscuits, which will be exceedingly nice if ■well made. Ice them previous to baking, out very lightly and even.
Banbury cakes.
Take a pound of dough made for white bread, roll it out, and put bits of butter upon the same as for puff paste, till a pound of the same has been worked in; roll it out very thin, then cut it into bits of an, oval size, according as the cakes are wanted. "Mix some good moist sugar with a little brandy, sufficient to wet it, then mix some clean washed currants with the former, put a little upon each bit of paste, close them up, and put the side that is dosed next the tin they are to be baked upon, lay them separate, and bake them moderately, and afterwards, when taken out, sift sugar over them. Some candied peel may be added, or a few drops of the essence of lemon. Almond cakes.
Take six ounces of sweet almonds, half a pound of powdered sugar, seven eggs, six ounces of flour, ana the raspings of four lemons. Pound the almonds very fine, with whole eggs, add the sugar
I and lemon raspings, and mix them well together In i the mortar. Take it out, put it in a basin and stir it with the yolks of eggs, till it is as white as a sponge paste; beat up the whites of the ?ggs to a strong snow, mix them very light with the paste, then take the flour and mix it as light as possible; ; on this the goodness of the paste principally depends, as it is impossible to make a good cake with a heavy paste; butter the mould, and bake in 61 slack oven for an hour, with ten sheets of paper under it aud one on the top.

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