In Harper's Young People magazines there was a page devoted to "Exchanges" where an individual could post an item or items for trade for another item. Bartering or exchanges was a time honored way to do business. Below are some of the "exchanges' from this 1885 publication.
V nickels without" cents," a Spanish coin of 1776, and old U. S. coppers, for other rare coins. Fnnnle A. Gris Tt old, Buttle Creek, Mich.
Five advertising cards, for every mineral or curiositv. William Brigden, Jun., 210 Raymond St., Brooklyn,?}. Y.
A Baitlmorean printing-press and equipment (including 3 fonts of type), for a pair of Peek & Snyder*s Ice skates, S!js« 9}i or 10. J. C. Letts, 89 South Portland A v., Brooklyn, N. Y.
A magic lantern in good condition, for the best offer in roller skates. William Smith, 92 South Portland A v., Brooklyn, N. V.
Minerals, fosslls, and curiosities, for the same or for coins. C H. Solomon, 3iU \V. First St., Dayton, Ohio.
Some curiosities and postmarks, a Vnlekel without" cents," 2 old coppers, a basket made of a hazelnut, and some pretty cards, for the best offer of magic-lantern slides not more than 2\' inches in Width, li. H., 206 Broadway, Norwich, Conn.
An Acme card press and a rase, for 1 font of type. Albert Zerboue, 22:1 S. Water St., New Bedford, Masr.
Pretty colored advertising picture cards, for Indian relics (1S for a trood arrow-head), minerals, or curiosities. Frank B. Veusey, 1209 Taylor St., San Franatsco, Cal.
"Wide Awake for 1884-5 and a pair of B. & B. roller skates, size for a pair of all-clamp roller skates, size 9 or 9>tf, with or without bag. £. L. O'Counell, Oneida, N. Y.
Cards, stamps, postmarks, coins, tin tags, or monograms, for stamps not in my collection (Alsace and Lorraine, Angola. Antigua, and Argentine Republic preferred). Send list. W. W. Jackson, 835 W. 18th St., New York City.
A good magic lantern and 10 slides, 50 postmarks, an Indian arrow-head, and Exchanging to Win, for a good pair of all-clamp roller skates. Nelson, care of J. H. Sharewood, Box 411, Freehold, N. J.
Elements of Chemistry, nearly new. for stamps, curiosities, or coins. S. A. Nelson, Tompklnsrille, N. Y.
Three Hong-Kong stamps, for 2 from Azores or 8 from Portugal; 8 Sandwich Island stamps, for 2 from Newfoundland. Koger B. Friend, 971 West St., Oakland, Cal.
A new pair of 10-inch roller skates, in perfect condition, and the numbers of Youth's Companion for 1883 or 1884, for a printing-press and complete outfit. The press must be in good working order and the chase at least 2>J by 4 inches. Collector, Lock Box 57, Osceola, Iowa.
Two hundred mixed foreign stamps, 10 different l'. S. stamps, 5 different revenue stamps, and 5 advertising cards, for the best offer of U. S. or foreign Stamps, all different. No German of the issue of 1878 wanted. Clyde, 747 Custead Av., Cleveland, O.
A card press, for stamping names, a full font of type, and a can of ink, for a toy theatre or for magic - lantern slides in good condition. F. Sl. Stowcll, Box 40, NewtonvIMc, Mass.
A Scott's International stamp album with 425 rare stamps, for volumes of the Wheelman and Outing and The Wheelman, or books on ornithology; books, for the same. E. B. Smith, Warren, Worcester Co., Mass.
Postmarks, for the same. Alexander Graham, Jun., Clyde, Wayne Co., N. Y.
A piece of satin-spar, copper, and iron ore. for arrow-heads. Philip Coltn, 651 Washington St., San Francisco, Cal.
One hundred foreign stamps, 5 fish fosslls from Charleston. South Carolina, a triangular Cape of Good Hope stamp, and 30 postmarks (18 of which are different), for the best offer in V nickels without the word " cents." B. Spcltmtn, 78 Clinton Av., Albany, N. Y.
A handsome scrap - book (slightly damaged), a few minerals, a specimen of cedar wood, some shells, a V nickel. 100 cards with any desired name, some scrap and advertising pictures, and a pair of nickel-plated ice skates {size 91, for the best, offer of a pair of roller skates. C. E. B., 384 Ninth Av., New York City.
A pair of roller skatest a set of boxing-gloves, and large collections of cotns, stamps, and minerals, for a prtnting-press complete Size of chase 4 by 5 inches or larger. E. F. Jordan, 4226 Walnut St., Phlladelphia, Penn.
A large Mexican sllver coin of 1834, an English coin of 1801, a French coin of 1854, and 2 old coins of 1810 and 1883, for U. S. pennies of 1836, M0. '41, '42, '45. and '50. F. T. Towne, caro of H. K. Towne, Stamford, Conn.
A V. S. stamp of 1881 and a 5-sen Japan of 187. Smith, Lock Box 18, Andover, Mass.
* Tlte publishers reserve to themselves the right of deciding whether an Exchange shall appear or not. They do not undertake any responsibitity with regard to transactions effected by means of this department of tlte paper, nor do they guarantee the responsibllity of correspondents or the accuracy of the descriptions of articles offered for exchange. To avoid any misunderstanding or disappointment, therefore, they advise Exchangers to write for particulars to the addresses given before sending the articles coiled for.
Goskell's How to Write for the Press, new and in good condition, cloth binding, for the best offer of bound books of adventure or travel. J. D. O'Neil, Box 55, West Elizabeth, Pcnn.
Ten foreign stamps, no 2 alike, for 100 well-mixed U. S. stamps. F. I. Grlswold, Battle Creek, .Midt.
Two varieties of Chinese nuts, for every perfect arrow-head - a pair of Chinese chopsticks, for every 5 arrow heads. Collector, Dayton, Ohio.
Books on anatomy, physiology, chemistry, history, phllosophy, geography, and text-books, for a pair of pet rabbits or pigeons of good breed. John Awhrey, Maple Grove, Ala.
A small stalactite from Spruce Run Cavern, Allegheny Mountains, Virginia, and barnacles and pebbles from Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, for the best offer of Indian relics. A. H. Jennings, 903 Federal St., Lynchburg, Vs.
A pair of No. 9)4 club skates, lock on toe, Union Hardware Co. make, for Pitman's short-band book in good condition. W. G. Knight, Seneca Falls, X. Y.
One hundred stamps, 50 picture advertising cards, 25 postmarks, 15 tobacco tags, petrified wood, petrified charcoal, mica, Iron pyrites, and wood from Washington Territory, for a pair of Henlv or B. & B. roller skates to fit a No. 8 boot. J.W. Sargent, Centralis, Washington Territory.
Two volumes of St. Nicholas and 8 volumes of Wide Awake: any 3, for a pair of half-clamp skates; any 4, for a pair of all-clamp ; and the 5, for a pair of patent lever, 11-inch. Box 23, Lewes, Del.
Hematite, Lake Superior. Spanish, and English iron ore, advertising cards, and U. S. cents, for minerals, curiosities, or old U. S. cents and half-cents. It. M< M. Dodgers, 70 Miller St., Pittiburgh, Penn.
A printing-press, chase Z)4 by \% inches, with 12 fonts of plain and fancy type, furniture, ink, cabinet, etc., for a photographtc outfit with or without chemicals. A. K. Cressinghsm, 188 18th St., Brooklyn, >. Y.
Two Australian papers, for the best offer of tobacco tugs. A. R. Lewis, care of W. U. Lewis, Marshall, Mich.
Rare stamps on sheets, for stamps not in my collection ; a genuine periodical stamp, for any stamp of iMi'j above 10-c. Warren Koser, Wellington, Ohio.
The 10 and the 3 c. unpaid letter stamp, for the 5; a stamp of Denmark, Japan, Netherlands, and Brazll, for a triangular Cape of Good Hope. John D. Smith, Andover, Mass.
Bread-fruit, poppy pods with seed from China, and first stripping of cork-tree from Spain, for Indian relics, petrifactions, shells, minerals, woods, nuts, and bulbs. N. L. Wilson, 237 Longwood Av., Koxbury, Mass.
Foreign postal cards, uncancelled and unwritten, for postal cards uncancelled, etc., not in my collection. Thomas Whitridge, 5 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Md.
Sharks' teeth, Indian pottery,petrified clams, and starfish, for crystallized and polished minerals. Indian relics, and good curiosities. Box 155, Wilmington, Del.
A printing-press (chase 3# by 4)4) and Robinson Crusoe, for a pair of Peek & Snyder's nickel-plated Ice skates, 9)4. L. Walker, 251 13th St., S. Brooklyn, N. Y.
A 25-cent note, for a star-fish or Indian pipe. Must be of good size, and perfect. W. S. Header, New Brighton, Beaver Co., Penn.
A good violin and bow, for the best offer of a stamp album (Scott's International preferred). B. Terry, 922 Putnam Av., Brooklyn, N. V.
Fifty tin tags, 50 postmarks, and an eagle cent of 1858, for Indian relics, sea-curiosities, minerals, and rare stones. Dixon Kautz, Moweaqaa, IH.
Five postmarks, for every stamp not in my collection ; stamps, for stamps. Jackson Kemper Garrett, 521 Columbia St., Burlington, lows.
Two rare Chinese coins, for the 24-c. stamp of 1870; an Italian coin of 1886 and a Swiss coin of 1K50, for the 8-centime Belgian stamp of 1809. H. B. Foster, Lock Box Z, Andover, Mass.
A piece of a pllaster (1# by 2 inches) of black walnut from the captain's cabin in the Morning Star, for minerals, Indian relics, and other curiosities suitable for cabinet. A. F. Mitchell, Box 161, St, Johusbury, Vt.
Bare stamps, advertisement cards, postmarks, and copies of Youth's Companion, for good fosslls and trllobites. Lower Sllurian especially desired. II. S. tiane, 89 N. Broadway, Yonkers, N. Y.
A bound volume of the Museum, instructions for playing the fife, a steam-engine, and a mouth harp, for a waterbury watch in good order. Robert J. Kerley, Mlllcrton, Dutrhess Co., N. Y.
A 2-cent Sandwich lsbtnd stamp, a 5-cent Newfoundland stump, and a 20-cent German stamp, for a Cape of Good Hope stamp. Hal C. Rogers. Box 327, F.scanaba, Mich.
A 14, 15, 1G puzzle, 10 revenue stamps, 25 stamps, 15 foreign stamps, curiosities, etc., for the best offer of tin tobacco tags. Accepted offer answered. Willie Borland, I tnlay City, Lnpur Co., Mich.
A Japanese napkin, for 5 pieces of sllk, satin, or velvet, 2 by 3 inches. No duplicates or solled pieces. Myra A. Doremus, 11 South Elliott Place, Brooklyn,
A hand-inking printing-press fchase 4 by 0 inches), 3 fonts of type, a rubber roller, and a pair of Sc
inch club skates, for a self-inking printing-press (chase not less than 3X by BM inches) with or without type and in good condition. George L. Mallery. Continental Hotel, cor. of 20th St. and Broadway, New York City.
Three foreign stamps, for pieces of sllk, satin, plusb.velvet. or anything suitable for a crazy-qullt. A. R. H., 2210 Locust St., Philadelphia, Penn.
One hundred and twenty postmarks, for an Indian arrow-head. John A. Thompson, Box 316, YYestvllle, Conn.
Four good postmarks, for every first-class tin tobacco tag except Climax. Chief, Old Honesty, Horseshoe, or Star. P. McF. Bealer, 201 Jackson St., Atlanta, Ga.
Three different tin tags, for every K. of L. or Brown's Mule tag sent me. YT. B. Nj mtners, 194 Houston St., Atlanta, Go.
Galena, gypsum, sandstone, peacock - coal, starfish, coral, geodes, moss-agates, hornblende, pudding-stone, coke, moonstone, arglllite agates, buhrstoue, chlorite, copper ore, hematite, ltmestone, and mica, for minerals and curiosities. Carl Gray, Box 471, St. Johusbury, Vt.
Sllver ore, jasper, chalcedony, carnellan, black sand, petrified wood, garnet, all kinds of Oregon minerals, and curiosities, for Indian relics. Gny M. Powers, Shedd, Linn Co., Oregon.
Full directions for Kensington painting, paper flowers, and some modern music, for plush and brocaded scrap-pieces. No black or old pieces wanted. 11. Brown, 00 Reynold's Arcade, Rochester, X. Y,
Twcnty foreign stamps, for 1 from Austria, Italy. Baden, Azores, Barbados, Bolivia, Hamburg, and New Brunswick. Not less than 4 taken. A.M. K.% 1010 Clinton St., Philadelphia, Penn.
Volumes IV. and V. of Golden Days, 355 foreign and 50 domestic stamps, 8 German papers, and a paper in mourning for Garfield, for a pair of allclamp roller-skates. Kaymond extension preferred. Kdward K. Black, 167 K. 60th St., New York City.
A year's subscription to an amateur paper, for 18 different Department stamps. Frank Thompson, Letter,box, Station B, Jersey City, K. J.
Cards and tin tags, for stamps and stamp papers; 2 postmarks, for every stamp; stamps, for the same. J. C. Wallace, Carlisle, Penn.
Vol. I. of Golden Argosy (7 numbers missing) and 28 numbers of Vol..II., and 500 mixed U. S. revenue stamps, for rare postage stamps or coins. Arthur C. Smith, 428 ffllfilin Av., Scran ton, Penn.
Four picture cards, for every piece of sllk, satin, velvet, or plush in Irregular shapes, but none less than S by 3 inches. No black unless brocaded or figured. Cards new and clean; no duplicates. Mabel K. Ashley, Box 24, Norwood, St. Lawrence Co..
One hundred well-assorted stamps, largest size foot-ball with key, Tom. Brown's School-Days, your name printed on 50 cards, and a gold-pointed stylographic pen, for the best offer oi long type. Alexander Gorski, care of V. A. Meyer A Co., Box 3050, New York City.
A specimen of iron ore, for 10 foreign stamps from Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Danish West Indies, Dutch Indies, Denmark, Feejee Islands, and Egypt. C. D. Mansfield, MerriU P. 0., Powell Co., Kentucky.
A good collection of 550 foreign and U. S. stamps in a Scott's International album (7th edition), for a sllver watch in good running order. E. 8. Gray, 139 Lagrange St., Toledo, Ohio.
A water-color paint box containing Winsoi A Newton's paints, books, rare stamps, and numbers of Forest and Stream, for fishing-lines, flies, spoonbaits, hooks, or tackle-book. H. W. Althouse, Pottsvllle, Box 164, Penn.
A fine new telegraph key and sounder, brass, mounted on rosewood stand, never been in use, for a pair of No. 9)4 or 10 all-clamp roller skates. Vineyard preferred. Correspondence necessary. II. Lolie Prescott, 151 Pearl St., Kast Somerrllle, Mass.
A magic lantern in good working order, for a good set of chessmen wtthout board; 150 all-different postmarks, for the best offer of foreign stamps. Stephen T. Dalryntple, Menomonec, Dunn. Co., Wis.
Sixty papers (including Durblu's last stamp catalogue), phllatelic papers, dealers' price lists of coins and stamps, minerals, etc., for 20 perfect arrowheads and a perfect axe. P. F. Shields, Nashville, Tenn.
A pair of Acme nickel-plated all-clamp ice skates (size 9) and a pair of Plympton roller skates (slzet 6). for a pair of 8 or 8)4 nickel-plated all-clamp roller skates. Winslow preferred. Kdwin A. Corbet, Box 292, Morrlstown, N. J.
A teacher of penmanship of two years' experience in Columbus Buisness College, Columbus, Ohio, wlll send a series of 12 lessons by mall, for a pair of Fenton or Raymond club skates in good condition. H. K. Hall, Box 352, Lima, Ohio.
Ten different foreign stamps, for every stamp from Asia or Africa. J* B. Brown, Jun., 22 Frank St., Nowport, K. I.
A hand-inking printing-press complete, an electric battery, a sllver-plattng set, 5 complete stories, and other articles, for a self-inking press without type. Give size of chase and full particulars. J. Davidson, 328 K. 11th St., New York City.
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