Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Menus Part 4

And last but not least I thought this menu was quite unique as a Vegetarian Menu for Thanksgiving meal. This comes from Guide for Nut Cookery ©1899

The Thanksgiving dinner has been a great puzzler to the vegetarian housewife. "How can we ever celebrate Thanksgiving without a turkey ?" has been a question which it has been hard to solve. I propose that we do have a turkey for Thanksgiving,— not the corpse of a bird whose life was sacrificed to satisfy our perverted appetites, but something which, although it looks like a real turkey, with neck, wings, legs, and even the drum-stick bones protruding, is only one made of nuts and grains. Then let us have the pumpkin pie, chicken croquettes, and fish all stuffed and baked, the salads, and lettuce,— in fact, all that Thanksgiving calls for; but we will use only wholesome material. We will substitute nut foods for the different meats, lemon-juice will take the place of vinegar, and nuts the place of animal fats. With painstaking, we shall have a better dinner than our sisters who have their platters ladened with the remains of a barn-yard fowl, and with cakes and pies filled with animal fats and spices. Besides this, we shall have a clearer mind, as well as a clear conscience; while those who eat meat are taking poisons into the system which benumb the brain, cloud the conscience, and render man unfit to meet the vesper hour and hold communion with his God.

Canned-corn soup, canned-pea soup, or vegetable oyster soup, seasoned with raw peanut cream.

A stuffed baked trout.

Mock chicken croquettes. Serve with it mock salmon salad.
Stewed salsify (vegetable oyster) with cream.

THANKSGIVING TURKEY. With the turkey send a sauce-boat of gravy, sweet potatoes, curled celery or lettuce, and cranberry sauce.

Nut crisps, nice buns, and cream rolls.

Pumpkin pie with cocoanut cream crust.

Fresh fruit, red-cheeked apples, oranges, and any other fruits desired.

Salted almonds, salted pine-nuts, and roasted chestnuts.

Butternut coffee with peanut cream.

Take 6 cups of water; i A cups of white corn grits or white corn-meal; I teaspoonful of salt.
When the water boils, add the salt and stir in the grits, continuing to stir until it boils; let it boil gently for a few minutes, and then place in a steam-cooker, and steam for three or four hours. Make a stuffing of 2 tablespoonfuls of zwieola, I tablespoonful gluten No 3, 2 tablespoonfuls pecan meal, and 1 tablespoonful peanut butter, 1 tablespoonful almond butter, 1 hard-boiled egg, \ teaspoonful sage, 1 teaspoonful grated onion, \ teaspoonful salt; add just a little water until the mixture makes a stiff batter. Mix thoroughly. When the corn grits are done, oil a bake tin and put some of the cooked grits on it, spreading them in the form of a fish, making it as long as can be easily served on the platter you intend to serve it on. Then put some of the dressing the whole length of the fish. Make a little trough in the dressing, and put in the yolks of two eggs, chopped and seasoned with celery salt, then cover the egg with the dressing paste, and cover that with the cooked grits. Form more perfectly into the shape of a fish, and spread with a diluted nut butter, using the slices of the white of egg for the gills and mouth, and filberts for the eyes. Press in a row of blanched Jordan almonds down the center of the back to represent the dorsal fins, also use the almonds to make the tail. Lard it across the back (see cut) by sticking in pine-nuts. Bake in a moderate oven for half an hour; if it browns too fast on top, cover with a brown paper, until ten minutes before taking from the oven. Garnish with parsley and curled celery, bank the sides with potato balls made by cutting them from raw potatoes with a scoop made for the purpose, or make balls of mashed potatoes. Roll them in pine-nut butter and bake in the oven until nicely browned. To make the curled celery, take some nice crisp celery, split it into four parts from both ends, leaving about one inch in the center to hold it. Place it into ice-cold water for twenty minutes and it will be curled nicely. If the water is not very cold, leave it in longer.

Take 1J pounds or ij pints of nutmeato chopped quite fine; add nearly as much mashed potato, 4 tablespoonfuls of zwieola which has been soaked for fifteen minutes in \ cup of warm water, and 4 tablespoonfuls of gluten, 2 teaspoonfuls of sage, 2 teaspoonfuls of onion grated, salt to suit the aste, 4 hard-boiled eggs put through a sieve, and 1 raw egg. Mix the sifted eggs with the zwieola, and work till smooth; then add the other ingredients, and mix all very thoroughly. Take a large tablespoonful, and work in the hands quickly, handling with care, and form into cylindershaped croquettes, making the ends as square across as pos
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sible ; then roll them in a beaten egg and then in gluten, or what is better, fine cracker-crumbs; crisps or rolls that are perfectly dry and ground fine are also nice, and give them more of a meaty flavor. Bake on well-oiled tins for an hour or more. The above amount will make twenty good-sized croquettes. In serving, they can be arranged as in the accompanying cut, which represents them garnished with sprigs of parsley, or if a smaller quantity is desired, they may be made into funnel shapes by molding in an ice-cream mold or a small funnel with the hole stopped up with a piece of raw turnip or potato. Then when baked, they are nice served on a plate covered with curly lettuce leaves; serve a lettuce leaf with each croquette, placing the croquette upon the leaf.
Take 2 cups of nut butter, 1 cup of tomato juice without the pulp, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1 cup of water, 1 tablespoonful of corn-starch. Mix thoroughly; cook in cans.

Take 3 cups of sifted lentils, 1 cup of walnut butter, 1 pound of zwieback moistened with water, 3 heaping teaspoonfuls of powdered sage, 1 cup of gluten, and 2 teaspoonfuls of salt. Add 2 eggs. Form into loaf or turkey. The walnuts should be the black walnuts, as they give it more of a turkey flavor. The whole-wheat zwieback is best, but the white will do. Beat the eggs well, and mix all the ingredients together, adding enough water to the zwieback to moisten it before adding the other ingredients. If formed into a turkey, it should be real stiff, but it does not require to be so stiff when cooked in a loaf.

If you would like to search for the rest of the recipes here's a link Guide to Nut Cookery

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