Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Don't you just love when your traveling and the hotel has a breakfast bar with an waffle iron? Paul and I usually will have one when those moments occur. Today's post will center around the various recipes for making waffles. In a few days I'll share some information on waffle irons.

The first tidbit starts with a distinction between muffins and waffles then follows with several recipes. I skipped the Muffin Recipes for this tidbit and included the waffle recipes.

MUFFINS are baked in rings on a griddle, or in gem pans, over a quick fire. Waffles are baked in waffle irons, which inclose the batter and imprint both sides of the cake as it rises in the process of baking. Both muffins and waffles form a medium between bread and biscuits on the one side and griddle-cakes on the other. Muffinrings were formerly about four inches in diameter, but now, with better taste, they are used much smaller. The approved waffle-irons of to-day are circular, baking four waffles at once, and suspended on a pivot that permits them to be turned with a touch of the fork. Both muffins and waffles are suitable for tea, and with stewed chicken and such delicacies they are really delicious. They should always be served hot and with the best of butter. Waffles and catfish are a famous dish at some eating-houses.
Raised Waffles.—One quart of warm milk, one tablespoonful of butter, three eggs, one gill of yeast, one tablespoonful of salt, and flour to make a stiff batter. Set to rise, and bake in waffle-irons, which must be well heated before used.
Quick Waffles.—One quart flour, two teaspoonfuls Durkee's baking-powder, one teaspoonful salt; mix dry; then stir in one tablespoonful melted butter, two well-beaten eggs, and enough cold, sweet milk for a batter thin enough to pour; bake at once in waffle-irons.
Rice Waffles.—Mix a teacupful and a half of boiling rice with a pint of milk, rubbing it smooth over the fire. Take from the fire and adc! a pint of cold milk and a teaspoonful of salt. Stir in four well-beaten eggs with enough flour to make a thin batter, and bake as above. Waffles should always be served hot. Powdered sugar with a flavor of powdered cinnamon makes a pleasing dressing for them.
Source: The Latest and Best Cook Book ©1884

Mrs. S. W. S., of Montpelier, O., writes: "Will you kindly give me, through the medium of Table Talk, some good recipes for waffles?"
Dissolve one tablespoonful of butter in one pint of warm milk, add to it two beaten eggs and one-half of a yeast cake, dissolved in a little warm water. Stir in one-half a teaspoonful of salt and sufficient flour to make a drop batter. Heat the waffle iron, brush both parts of it with melted butter or suet, pour in enough batter to three parts fill it; close and cook until the under side is brown, then turn and brown on the other side. Send to the table as fast as baked, and serve with them syrup, honey or powdered sugar and cinnamon.
Waffles (2).
Cream three-quarters of a cupful of butter with two cupfuls of sugar, add three wellbeaten eggs, scant half of a teaspoonful of salt, half the grated rind of a lemon, a slight grating of nutmeg, one and one-half cupfuls of milk and sufficient flour to make a drop batter. Stir in one teaspoonful of baking powder, and cook at once in a hot iron.
Beat to a froth five eggs, add one pint of milk, one cupful of melted butter, one-half of a teaspoonful of salt, two tablespoon fuls of sugar, three cupfuls of flour and one yeast cake dissolved in a little lukewarm water. Let stand in a warm place until light—about three hours—and bake.
Source: Table Talk ©1897

Waffles.—Take a tea-cupful of fresh butter, put it into a large bowl, and beat it to croam. Add three cupfuls of sugar, a pinch of salt, half a nutmeg grated, a few drops of essence of lemon, three well-beaten eggs, half a teaspoonful of saleratus dissolved in a tea-spoonful of milk, and as much flour as will make a thick batter. Beat the mixture thoroughly. Heat the waffle-iron, rub it over with butter, and put into it one or two large spoonfuls of the mixture. Be careful to leave room for rising; •close it, and put it over hot coals. Let it remain for six or eight minutes, then turn it over, and leave it a few minutes longer: if on •opening it the cake iB nicely browned, and ■will leave the iron easily, it is done enough. Probable cost, Is. 6d. for this quantity.
Waffles (another way).—Dissolve half an ounce of butter in a pint of milk; beat two eggs in a bowl, and add to them gradually the "buttered milk and as much flour as will make a stiff batter. Stir in a wine-glassful of fresh yeast and a little salt. Let the batter rise till light. Heat the waffle-irons, and bake the waffles in the usual way. Butter them, and if liked serve with sugar and powdered cinnamon.
Waffles (another way).—Take a quart of milk, five eggs, a pound and a quarter of flour, half a pound of butter, and a spoonful of yeast. When the waffles are baked, sift pounded sugar and powdered cassia over them.
Waffles (a Danish recipe). — Take one pound of fresh butter, and beat it till it creams. Add the yolks of six eggs, a quarter of a pound of sugar, one pound of flour, a quart of warm milk, and lastly the whites of the eggs beaten to snow. Butter the waffle-iron each time before filling it, and heat it before using. When baked strew sifted sugar over the waffles. This quantity will make twenty-four waffles.
Waffles (a German recipe). — Mix one pound and a half of flour with the same quantity of clarified butter, add twelvo eggs one by one, then a little grated nutmeg, a few grains of salt, two handfuls of pounded almonds with a few bitter ones among them, four or five spoonfuls of yeast, nearly a pint of milk, and lastly the whites of the eggs beaten to snow. Mix and beat well together, then leave the mixture for two hours before proceeding further. Have ready the waffle-iron, heat it in the fire, and rub it over with butter; pour into it a ladleful of the batter, and bake of a fine yellow. The iron must be buttered each time before any batter is poured in. Strew pounded sugar and cinnamon over the waffles after they are done.
Waffles (another German recipe). — Mix together three-quarters of a pound of flour, seven eggs, a pint of milk, three good spoonfuls of yeast, a gill of brandy, and half a pound of butter beaten to cream. Beat the butter and •ggs first together, then add the flour, and, when smooth, the other ingredients; let this stand in a warm place for an hour to rise. Butter the waffle-iron before you pour in the
batter, and bake of a light yellow colour. Strew with pounded cinnamon and sugar before serving.
Waffles made with Yeast.—Boat three
fresh eggs to a light froth; mix with them a pint of lukewarm milk and a large table-spoonful of fresh yeast, and add half a nutmeg grated, a pinch of salt, an ounce of butter, and as much flour as will make a light batter. Put this in a warm place, and let it rise for two or three hours. Bake the cake in waffle-irons in the usual way {see Waffles).
Waffles made without Yeast or Soda.—Take a pint and a quarter of flour, and as much additional flour as will go into a wine-glass; mix with it half a tea-spoonful of salt. Dissolve two ounces of butter in a pint of hot milk, and let the milk cool. Beat the yolks of three eggs in a bowl, and add to them the milk and the flour alternately. Whisk the whites of the eggs separately to a firm froth, and stir them lightly into the batter. Bake the waffles immediately after the whites are put in, and do not beat the batter after the whites are added.
Waffles, Rice.—Boil half a pint of rice till soft; put it into a bowl, and add very gradually three-quarters of a pound of flour, half a tea-spoonful of salt, a pint and a quarter of milk, and the well-beaten yolks of two eggs. Beat the mixture thoroughly. Whisk the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add them to the batter, and beat it again. Take a small quantity of this mixture in a cup, and pour it backwards and forwards from a good height for a few minutes; then bake immediately.
Waffles, Rice (a German recipe).—Wash half a pound of rice in warm wator, drain it, and boil in milk till it swells and becomes a thick mass. Take the rice off tho fire then, and kcop stirring it, adding by degrees one pound of flour, five eggs beaten up, two spoonfuls of yeast, half a pound of melted butter, a little salt, and a cupful of warm milk. Set it in a warm place to rise, and bake quickly in the usual way.
Source: Cassel's Dictionary of Cookery ©1883

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