Monday, October 19, 2015

1884 Farm Houses

A Farm House Costing $2,900
This plan of a farm-house embraces a commodious and convenient interior, with such external features as to clearly express its purpose. It will be recognized as at once adapted to rural situations and domestic life, providing much valuable space, and afiording a variety of pleasing and symmetrical outlines, with due economy in expense of construction. Perhaps the most striking fea' ture is the breadth of the front, which is 51 feet. (The average depth is 22 feet 7 inches.) As far as practicable, all prolonged vertical lines are avoided, leaving horizontal ones to prevail, as of more practical utility and value. Where opportunities abound for “ spreading out,” as in the-country, it would he obviously incompatible to build tall, or stilted houses, that would not comport with their surroundings, nor provide the conveniences desirable in all rural habitations.

A Stone House costing $2,900
These plans were designed for the substantial dwelling of a farmer in easy circumstances. The outside appearance truthfully expresses its rural and its domestic purpose. The interior accommodations are carefully arranged for comfort and convenience. The materials and method of construction insure permanency ; with little care, this _ building would last for many generations. *. . . EXTERIOR, (fig. 111.)—The elevation shows that this house was intended for the country—it looks like a farm-house—in fact it would be out of place anywhere else. Its peculiar solid, independent, and home-like character is due to the massive stone walls, large door and window openings, broad and steep slated roof, truncated gables, substantial chimneys, and heavy sheltering eaves, all arranged in simple, expressive, and harmonious combination. All superfluous ornamentation is avoided, as inconsistent with rural simplicity and truthfulness. Vines and creepers will be suggested by the rough stone walls and piazza posts ; and to their delicate tracery may be left the work of “ filling in ” their more appropriate and agreeable decomtions.

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