Below are several letters to the editor, you might call them. But in reality they are a bit different that what we see today when writing to the editor of a magazine. I trust you'll enjoy these tidbits and might help your creativity. I tried to correct all the 'b's and 1 to 'I's but I may have missed a few. Enjoy!
It has been more than a year since I have seen anything in the Journal from No. 8. So l will take the pleasure of writing a few lines in behalf of No. S and No. 170.
Several of the brothers have left here trying to better themselves, and we wish them all success in their new place of duty.
Brother Riggs is working out of Dodge City, Kansas; and Brother Thomas is working at St. Louis. Sister Riggs has gone to her hushand to see that he is taken care of and that his lunch hasket is well tilled with good things to eat. I think the railroad boys are the ones who need lots of good things to eat, for they work hard enough to get them. We miss Sister Riggs, for she has heen a faithful memher of our lodge. Sister Fifer has also left us; and we expect to see Sister Thomas leave here, to go to her hushand at St. Louis.
We had three applications to work on at our last meeting, and have the promise of several more.
No. 170 is getting new memhers right along, and that gives us a chance to get more memhers for our lodge.
Several of the boys have been on the sick list, but are daily reporting for work.
The brothers have rented another hall. I think it is as nice a hall as any of the B. R. T. hoys have. I hope that the hrothers will attend meetings more regularly than they have, for they cannot find a hetter place to go to spend Sunday afternoons. I like to see my hushand go to lodge. I also wish to say that all visiting brothers and sisters are welcome here, for one will not find a better set of members to entertain people than those of No. 8 and No. 170.
May the guiding angel watch over us all.
I remain yours in sisterly love,
Fireside Companion.
Mccook, Neb.
It is with pleasure I take this opportunity of writing to the Journal. I have been waiting for some time to see if some one would write a few lines in behalf of C. W. Bronson Lodge, No. 487, and as I have a few spare moments while waiting for the return of my hushand from his run, I will, for the first time, try and let its readers know that No. 487 is progressing nicely, they are taking in new memhers at nearly every meeting; and we have as fine a set of B. of R. T. hoys here as you will find am where, and I am proud to say that my hushand is one of the Order, and I think all trainmen ought to belong.
No. 487 gave its third annual ball New Year's eve., and it was a grand success both socially and financially.
There is no Auxiliary here, but I hope there will he soon. There has heen some talk ahout it, and if they should organize, I shall be a memher.
I will close, wishing the B. of R. T. boys a happy and prosperous New Year, and may God bless all the railroad boys, is my prayer.
A Trainman's Wife.
I have been a reader of the Journal for a long time, but have not seen anything from No. 456, of which my hushand is a memher, so l felt it my duty to write a few lines. I enjoy reading the Journal, and am always anxious for the first of the month to come, so I can get it.
My hushand is a switchman and works very hard, like all the rest of the railroad men.
Bidding you all good-bye until some future date, I remain an interested reader of the Journal.
A Switchman's Wife.
To the boys of Monett Lodge No. 513:—It is with much pleasure l take the opportunity of writing to the Journal, as I feel interested in the hoys and the grand Order to which they belong. Organization tends to hind the memhers together as one, and makes their interests identical.
Now, dear boys, you are exposed to danger every day; he watchful and prayerful and kind to one another. Be always on your guard and put your trust in Him, who doeth all things well.
Wishing you all prosperity, I am,
A Brakeman's Mother.
l have watched the pages of the Journal, hoping to find something interesting from the hoys of No. 436, hut find no one speaking its praise. l would like to say a few words in regard to the hoys. My hushand is a memher of this lodge, and he says they are getting along splendidly and have u good set of hoys. He don't get to attend lodge meeting very often, hut 1 hope things will he arranged soon, so he can attend regularly.
May God protect the railroad hoys, and may they learn to know it is His watchful care that guides them safelv home to their loved ones, who watch and wait their return, is the prayer of, MRs. E. B. D.
Having a few spare moments I will pleasantly employ them by writing to the Journal. I am a memher of the Auxiliary, and finding many letters from No. 4, I at last began to think it was my turn to let our sisters and the Brotherhood know that we are alive and doing nicely. We should write often and thus encourage others to do so.
We have twenty-nine members, all of them interested and working hard to increase the membership. We have not as many members as we ought to have, considering the numher of Brotherhood men in this vicinity. We shall have to throw out our net and see if we cannot make No. 4 the largest in the Auxiliary.
Wishing all the lodges a prosperous New Year, I remain, in S. L., - A Member.
I will devote a few minutes to writing to the Journal, in behalf of the hoys of Lodge No. 411. This lodge has not heen organized more than two months, but it has a splendid start.
It is a new year, and let's welcome it with a cheerful heart.
I hope the boys will take an interest in their lodge and attend as often as possihle.
I hope those who have not joined will do so at their first opportunity. Only a short time ago l heard a man say he had never seen on any road, a set of men to surpass our hoys on the M. & C, for generosity; and, indeed, everything which goes toward making them a true set of God's noblemen.
With hest wishes and a happy New Year, I remain, your true friend, M. B. S.
FOR NO. 540.
My hushand is a memher of this lodge, and I thought it very proper to say a word or two in reference to the good work the lodge has heen doing. Everything appears to be going on very nicely with the memhers, and the lodge is in a very prosperous condition. I have read the Journal for the past four years, and am very much interested in it.
Hoping that the members of No. 540 will stand by their organization, and with best wishes to them, I am, A Brakeman's Wife.
Source: The Railroad Trainman
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