Friday, February 14, 2014

Dried Beans

I was searching for the various ways to dry the beans once harvested but what sources I found were difficult for me to understand. So, I proceeded with gathering dried bean recipes. Enjoy!

If you wish to make succatosh, boil the beans from half to three quarters of an hour, in water a little salt, meantime cutting off the corn and throwing the cobs to boil with the beans. Take care not to cut too close to the cob, as it imparts a bad taste. When the beans have boiled the time above mentioned, take out the cobs, and add the corn, and let the whole boil from fifteen to twenty minutes, for young corn, and longer for older com. Make the proportions two-thirds corn and one-third beans. Where you have a mess amounting to two quarts of corn and one quart of beans, take two tablespoonfuls of flour, wet itinto a thin paste, and stir it into the succatosh, and let it boil up for five minutes. Then lay some butter in a dish, take it up into it, and add more salt if need be.

Throw them into salted boiling water, and cook them from an hour to an hour and a half, according to the age. A little saleratus improves them when old ; a piece as big as a pea will do. If you put in too much, the skins will slip off.

Baked Beans.
Pick over the beans the night before, and put them in warm water to soak, where they will be kept warm all night. Next morning pour off the water, and pour on boiling water, and let them stand and simmer till the beans are soft, and putting in with them a nice piece of pork, the skin gashed. Put them into the deep dish in which they are to bake, having water just enough to cover them. Bury the pork in the middle, so that the top will be even with the surface. All the garden beans are better for baking than the common field bean. They must bake in a moderately hot oven from two to three hours
Source: Miss Beecher's Domestic Receipt Book ©1871

Put two quarts of dried white beans to soak the night before you make tfcs soup, which should be put on as early in the day as possible.
Take two pounds of the lean of fresh beef—the coarse pieces will do. Cut them up, .and put them into your soup-pot with the bones belonging to them, (which should be broken in pieces,) and a pound of lean bacon, cut very small. If you have the remains of a piece of beef that has been roasted the day before, and so much under-done that the juices remain in it, you may put it into the pot and its bones along with it. Season the meat with pepper only, and pour on it six quarts of water. As soon as it boils, take off the scum, and put in the beans (having first drained them) and a head of celery cut small, or a tablespoonful of pounded celery seed. Boil it slowly till the meat is done to shreds, and the beans all dissolved. T* en strain it through a colander into the tureen, and put into it small squares of toasted bread with the crust cut off.
Soak over night one quart of black beans; next day boil them in the proper quantity of water, say a gallon, then dip the beans out of the pot and strain them through a colander. Then return the flour of the beans, thus pressed, into the pot in which they were boiled. Tie up in a thin cloth some thyme, a teaspoonful of summer savory and parsley, and let it boil in the mixture. Add a tablespoonful of cold butter, salt and pepper. Have ready four hard-boiled yolks of eggs quartered, and a few force meat balls; add this to the soup with a sliced lemon, and half a glass of wiue just before serving the soup.
This approaches so near in flavor to the real turtle soup that few are able to distinguish the difference.
Source: The White House Cook Book ©1890

Put the beans, which should be free from all bits of pod and washed in cold water, on to cook in boiling water. When using the cranberry or other dark beans turn off the water after ten minutes and add fresh boiling water. For some people it may be necessary to add half a teaspoonful or less of bicarbonate of soda to the first water to neutralize the acid in the bean. Do not add salt until the beans are nearly done. Let the water boil down to just enough to moisten them, as the beans will seem much richer than when a quantity is used and most of it drained off. And unless the beans are cooked soft enough to slightly thicken this little amount of liquid they will be rather insipid. Add a little cream or butter, salt and a half teaspoonful of sugar.
Lima Beans.
In using the large Lima beans as a vegetable, cook them in boiling water until the skins will slip off, then turn them into cold water and slip the pulp out of the skin. They will come out easily, and if you have never done this before you will be surprised at the toughness of this skin and not worfder that the stomach cannot digest it. Then put them over again in fresh boiling water to cover and cook until tender and nearly dry. Season with butter, salt and pepper and a little cream if you have it.
Shelled Beans, Baked.
The dark red varieties of shelled beans may be baked the same as the dried beans. Boil them ten minutes, add soda, drain and boil again until nearly tender and dry. Then turn them into the bean pot and to one quart of beans, add one teaspoonful each of salt and mustard, two tablespoonfuls of molasses, one small onion, one-fourth pound fat salt pork and water to fill the pot. Bake five or six hours. Try them some chilly September day, when we hunger for richer food, and you will find them satisfying.
Source: Everyday Housekeeping ©1896

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