Friday, January 13, 2017

Preparing Writing Quills

For those of you who are writers you might find this tidbit of interest. This information comes from The New Family Receipt Book: Containing Seven Hundred truly Valuable Receipts ©1810. This book sold for seven shillings and Sixpence when it first came out in London.

Dutch Method of preparing Goose Quills for Writing.
The process consists in immersing the quill, when plucked from the wing of the bird, into water almost boiling; to leave it there till it becomes sufficiently soft to compress it, turning it on its axis with the back of the blade of the knife. This kind of friction, as well as the immersions in water, being continued till the barrel of the quill be transparent, and the membrane, as well as the greasy kind of covering, be entirely removed, it is immersed a last time to render it perfectly cylindrical, which is performed with the index finger and the rhumb; it is then dried in a gentle temperature.

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