Monday, October 17, 2016

19th Century Medicine Peppermint

The Medical Companion: or family physician; treating of the diseases of the United States by James Ewell ©1827 is the source for this post on Peppermint

PEPPERMINT, Mentha Pipcrita,—Is an excellent stomachic in flatulent colics, languors, hysteric cases and vomiting. The usual modes of administering it, are infusion, the distilled water, and the essential oil. This last, united with rectified spirits of wine, forms the essence of peppermint, so highly esteemed.

In nausea, cholera morbus, obstinate vomiting, and griping, peppermint, infused in spirits, and applied as hot as can be endured to the stomach and bowels, will be found a most valuable remedy.

A lady of Alexandria was seized with a violent fit of the colic, bringing on a weakness and irritability of the stomach, with nausea and vomiting incessantly. Two eminent physicians sent for could prescribe nothing that did any service. Dr. Craik being Called in, immediately ordered a large cataplasm of stewed, miat in spirits, to be applied as warm as it could be borne, to the pit of the stomach and abdomen. It operated like a charm. The distressing nausea and vomiting left her, the aperient medicines were then retained, and the obstinate constipated state of the bowels was speedily removed.

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