Monday, January 27, 2014

Sandwich Recipes from 1892

It's always fun to give your characters something different to eat. Why not try some of these from Science in the Kitchen ©1892. Below are several sandwich recipes, many I had not heard of before.

Few articles of the cuisine are capable of being served in so many and various forms as the time-honored sandwich. Breadstuifs of some kind are the usual foundation for sandwiches, and anything which harmonizes in taste and digestibility with bread may be used as filling. Yeast bread is the more commonly used for the purpose, but wafers, split rolls, and toasted granose biscuit make excellent sandwiches, and are a degree more wholesome than loaf bread in that they contain no yeast, and are harder in texture, so that they necessitate more thorough mastication. There is another advantage in the use of waters for sandwiches— they do not require to be first buttered before filling. Yeast bread, sliced from the loaf or split as when in the shape of biscuit, is so porous in character that a smearing of the surface with some kind of fatty substance is really needed to protect the crumb from becoming saturated when moist mixtures are used as filling; hence it is customary to butter the slices when making sandwiches. Both dairy and nut butters are used for the purpose, but some care needs to beltaken that whatever is used shall harmonize in taste with the filling. Thin slices are preferable for sandwiches. When the sandwiches have been spread and filled, they may be cut into a variety of pretty shapes.
Ribbon SandWich.— Prepare a filling with one-half pound of protose, minced fine, three grated yolks of hard-boiled eggs, juice of one lemon, and salt to season; or the lemon may be omitted, and the protose and egg mixed with mayonnaise dressing. Cut whole-wheat bread into thin slices and Spread lightly with dairy or cocoanut butter. Upon a slice thus prepared spread the protose mixture, and cover with a second slice buttered on both sides. Spread this thickly with grape or cranberry jelly and cover with a third slice. Divide the whole by cutting diagonally into two or four sections. Thinly split, well-toasted granose biscuit may be prepared into most appetizing sandwiches in the same manner.
Sweet Sandwich.— Flavor a half cup of almond butter, fresh from the can, with a tablespoonful of rosewater. Beat stiEE the white of an egg with a tablespoonful of meltose; add this to the almond butter, and beat all together. Spread between thin slices of bread, and serve.
Fig SandwiGh.—Spread thin slices of bread or toasted whole-wheat wafers with cocoanut or almond butter. Place nicely steamed figs between the slices and serve.
Olive'Samlwich.*— Spread thin slices of bread with nut butter, and put in between two pieces a layer of ripe olives. Cut the sandwiches in fancy shapes, and garnish with the rufiied edge of lettuce. Ripe olives served in this way resemble a ham sandwich.
Hulless Bean Sandwich.*—Lett-over bean patties may be seasoned to taste with lemon juice and spread between buttered slices of bread for sandwiches. They are also nice mixed with salad dressing and then used for the sandwich filling.
Potato Sandwich.*— Form mashed potatoes into patties the thickness of ordinary crackers. Put into an oiled baking dish and bake until the under crust is nice'and brown. While the‘ patties are in the oven, put one cup of cream into a small pan; salt slightly, and when at the boiling point add two
. hard-boiled egg yolks, minced fine; then moisten a level teaspoonful of ' corn starch in cold water and stir rapidly into the cream. Remove the pat’
ties from the oven; place on a heated platter, alternately covering with the corresponding patty, putting the brown side up. Garnish with parsley or lettuce leaves and serve while hot.
Fruit Sandwich.*—Between slices of bread which have been cut about one-fourth inch thick and spread with butter or nut butter, put a filling made by chopping very fine equal parts of steamed figs and nuts, moistening them with water and lemon juice to form a paste. Dates, prunes, raisins, or currants may be used in place of .figs.
Calcutta Sandwich.*— Make a filling by mixing together one part of nuttolene, one part of nut butter, four parts of protose, salt and lemon juice to taste. Put through a fine sieve. This goes in between the first two layers. Between the next two layers spread red raspberry or cherry marmalade mixed with chopped nuts, and on top serve a hard sauce. Into the center of each a cherry‘ or small tomato may be inserted. Under each point put a small lettuce leaf.
Protose Sandwich.*— Place slices of protose between thin slices of white or Graham bread, biscuit, or waters, spread with nut butter.
Protose Sandwich, N0. 2.—Spread nicely browned waters with nut butter, and place between them minced protose lightly seasoned with salt and lemon juice.
Nut Sandwich.—Over chopped English walnuts pour the following dressing: Four yolks of eggs well beaten, juice of two lemons in a cup and enough water to fill the cup, one teaspoonful of salt and one of sugar. Let it cook until the eggs thicken.

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